Monday, April 18, 2011

Weekend Warriors

Well the countdown has begun.  We have 23 more weekends until the big day.  Since we decided to have our wedding and reception at my parents home, we will be spending almost every weekend until October 1st helping my parents get ready.  On Saturday and Sunday Brett and I helped my mom, dad and Allie clear the area for the bar and try to get things organized.   It is an amazing workout! 

While cleaning up the barn, my dad discovered some small bird nests in the rafters.  Inside the nests he found some very small blue bird eggs which we saved.  I didn't get a chance to take pictures of all that we did and  I have made a mental note to keep my phone close at hand so I am able to document all our progress. 

My mom and I have planned so much and we are all excited to see how everything will come together in the end. 

And We're Blogging!!

I have finally joined the blogger craze and set up a blog for Brett and me!!   Right now we have a lot of interesting things going on in our lives from getting to know the newest members of the family, to teaching, crafting, and last but definitely not least, wedding planning.  Check back often for new updates and pictures. 
